The Pharma Dispatch 💊 - Issue #86

The FDA continued its potentially record-breaking, magic mushrooms as a cure for depression, a $25,000 life-extension test and other interesting reads from this week.


Be very, very concerned about what Allergan just did. Link

The FDA continued its record-breaking pace of new drug approvals by green-lighting the first-ever biosimilar. Link

Most experimental drugs approved in the U.S and Canada are tested offshore. Link

Astra's Farxiga results may open up type 1 diabetes opportunity. Link

The FDA is changing the way it approves medicines for rare diseases. Link

Pfizer, Astellas prostate cancer drug promising in late-stage trial. Link

A new type of heart drug from Moderna and AstraZeneca makes a promising first step. Link

The battle against Cancer: the science is advancing but the economics are holding us back. Link

Digital Health

This startup is trying to 3D print human organs. Link

The first mobile addiction treatment app is about to hit the market. Link

New Amazon patent points to wireless heart rate detection. Link


Magic mushrooms as a cure for depression. Link

How bacteria could protect tumors from anticancer drugs. Link

Perspective and Opinions

Could a new field of ‘immuno-neurology’ be on the horizon? Link

The new clinical trials site: Doctor's offices? Link

Medicine and the need for Artificial Intelligence. Link


Male infertility crisis in the U.S. has experts baffled. Link

A $25,000 life-extension test. Link

What would it cost to transplant each organ in the body? Link

Startups of the Week

The company aims to introduce a novel biochemical process for DNA and RNA synthesis based on the use of efficient enzymes. This technology mimics the way nature produces genetic code and enables enhanced performance while minimizing the use of harsh chemicals.

Intabio provides an analytical platform to transform and accelerate the development of biotherapeutic drugs.

Grid is developing a human-derived targeted immunotherapy which leverages a novel approach of identifying specific tumor immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies from patients with early-stage cancer.

SpecificiT is developing cellular therapies for hematological cancers which to date, cannot be treated with CAR-T therapies.

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