The Pharma Dispatch 💊 - Issue #85

Why China’s traditional medicine boom is dangerous, radiologists see their jobs at risk, could Zika be used to treat brain tumors? and other interesting reads from this week.


AstraZeneca, Amgen severe asthma drug shines. Link

FDA shuts down CAR-T clinical trials. Link

A revival of traditional Chinese medicine. Link

Why China’s traditional medicine boom is dangerous. Link

This controversial biotech may yet defy its skeptics. Link 

Facebook's ad sales team is hitting up the drug industry. Link

What lies ahead for new Novartis CEO Vasant Narasimhan. Link

Departing Novartis CEO sets his eyes on Silicon Valley. Link

Digital Health

This startup is bringing augmented reality to dentistry. Link

Scanning the future, radiologists see their jobs at risk. Link

Meditation money: mindfulness start-ups scale up. Link

Amazing technologies changing the future of dermatology. Link


Could Zika be used to treat brain tumors? Link

Assumptions of how antibiotics work may be incorrect. Link

Visualising genomic data, inspired by Google Maps. Link

Perspective and Opinions

Understanding and predicting cancer metastasis: soil and seed. Link

How complex drugs keep generics at bay. Link

Skin lightening: the dangerous obsession that’s worth billions. Link


Helping coma patients communicate. Link

‘Biological teleporter’ to fight pandemics. Link

Startups of the Week

Notable Labs is developing a personalized treatment service for people with cancer that prioritizes combinations of FDA-approved treatments that can be immediately prescribed by a doctor.

Excision BioTherapeutics focuses on the development and commercialization of advanced gene editing therapeutics for the treatment and eradication of life-threatening disease caused by neurotropic viruses (viral infections).

Amal Therapeutics uses KISIMA, its proprietary vaccine technology platform to develop and progress therapeutic vaccines in oncology.

Antidote uses cutting-edge technology to match the right patients with the right trials, helping medical researchers make faster progress, and offering new treatment options to patients in need.

Have a wonderful weekend!