Here's what happened in life sciences last week 💊📰

The drug pricing war that leaves patients caught in the middle, Google’s master plan for healthcare, what is ailing the drug industry and other interesting reads from the past week.

Noteworthy 📰

China is getting ready to take on the world’s biggest drug makers. Link

Finding cancer patients is the pharma industry’s unlikely challenge. Link

Can this surgeon help Buffett, Bezos and Dimon solve America's health-care crisis? Link

The war of the HIV drug heavyweights. Link

The drug pricing war that leaves patients caught in the middle 👇

Digital Health 💻

Walmart just got a blockchain patent for medical records. Link

Google’s master plan for healthcare. Link

Research 🔬

New therapy helps your own immune system kill cancer cells. Link

New gene therapy could stitch together damaged spinal cords. Link

New DNA synthesis technique promises rapid, high-fidelity DNA printing. Link

Perspective and Opinions 📢

What is ailing the drug industry? Link

Why competition won’t bring down drug prices. Link

Is our obsession with wellness doing us in? Link

Interesting 🤔

How many genes are actually in the human genome? Link

Energy-promising vitamins appear to be causing lung cancer. Link

Notable Startups 💰

Alpha Biophama is a clinical-stage biopharma company focused on the development of innovative medicines for the Chinese and global markets. Closed a $37m round.

Emulate creates living products for understanding how diseases, medicines, chemicals, and foods affect human health. Secured a $36m Series C financing.

Cerebral Therapeutics is a clinical-stage company focused on implanted drug-device combination therapies to improve the lives of patients with uncontrolled neurological diseases. Closed a $3m Series A financing.

Mindstrong Health is a healthcare company focused on improving brain health through measurement science. Secured a B round financing of $15m.

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