Five articles you need to read to get your week started 💊📰

1️⃣ Amazon's healthcare playbook

In January of 2018, Amazon announced that they were planning to make moves in healthcare by partnering with JP Morgan and Berkshire Hathaway but specific details were scant.

In the last month the company made a ~$1B acquisition of mail-order pharmacy PillPack and appointed Atul Gawande to lead the initiative, making it clear that they were serious and were planning to move quickly. Wall Street did not look favorably for healthcare incumbents.

2️⃣ New York's plan to become a biotech hub

New York is trying very hard to make biotech a thing in the city. It's already set up a $500M financing package to make it happen, including a $100M investment to build out a life science campus and $300M in tax incentives to encourage investment in commercial lab space. New York has traditionally fallen behind the biotech race to hubs like California and Massachusetts, but it's looking to change that.

3️⃣ The next cancer drug might start in outer space

4️⃣ As Novartis exits, who will make new antibiotics?

With some key players in Big Pharma closing their doors on antibacterial R&D, who is going to make new antibiotics?

Someone certainly needs to, with more than 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths in the United States every year (and an estimated 700,000 deaths worldwide) caused by AMR infections. Those numbers are expected to rise dramatically in the coming years.

5️⃣ The Bleeding Edge: behind the terrifying new Netflix documentary

The $400bn medical device industry is exposed in a horrifying look at a string of products that have wreaked havoc on patients.

The Guardian: The Bleeding Edge